CosmosCraft Deluxe IPA Version 1.0.1

Deluxe edition will send 150 dark matters to your account.

To my successor:
I should have died by the time you read this, but still, congratulations! As the new emperor of the Empire, you will have the responsibility to lead the empire to a greater brilliance.

In order to give you a better understanding of the situation, allow me to explain. In the year 2250 AD, 300 years ago, humanity's home planet, Earth, created a combustion engine technology, which makes travel among solar-systems possible. From scientific research and military, to space exploration and utilization, Earth has been widely developed. After decades of development, the birth of a new engine technology was created. The pulse engine technology made travel become possible among the whole galaxy, and the combustion engine technology allowed civilization. Pulse engine technology can lead humans to every corner of the galaxy, and the exploration of energy, crystals, and nuclear power industry has been a considerable development. Gradually, the mastery of the basic mechanics and particle science led the humans to begin their colonization on some planets which were suitable to live after surface change.

This was an era of cooperation and competition. Governments on Earth put efforts on the development and utilization of space technology - in military, economic, trade, energy and other core areas of cooperation and competition. However, like the ancient story of the Boston Tea Party, the same happened around the year 2470 AD, military conflicts between the colonial planet and sovereign states started among the galaxy. These conflicts are, without exception, engine technology ownerships, weapon knowledge ownerships, important resources exploitations ownership and so on. Later, some radical colonial planets united together to set up the “Front Organizations of the Galaxy Human Alliance”(FOGHA), sworn to fight against each sovereign state, and government from the Earth to return to monarchy in the past, the United Nations under the auspices of the birth of the Galactic Empire.

The Empire and FOGHA had borderline skirmishes where they fought over small pieces of land which later developed into a large, regional battle, where both sides continued to invest resources to fight against their battles. However, the Galactic Empire developed the hyperdrive engine technology and advanced battleship, The Destroyer, and threatened FOGHA to surrender. Not long after that, FOGHA scientists mastered the massive production and utilization of the dark matter and successfully invented Death Star and kept the FOGHA from being destroyed in Battle of the Ingres Outpost. Due to the negative situation of the FOGHA, many planets decided to betray and surrendered to the Galactic Empire, finally FOGHA disintegrated.

Well you know the aftermath of the story. . . After the collapse of FOGHA, the Galactic Empire refused to return to the federal form and Announce the New Era of Emperor Calendar, and dispatched military forces to every colonial planet and kept them in the high-handed rule. We humans, as the last survivors of FOGHA, are still sticking to the resistance. We wish to have a settled democracy, but it is not in our power to create such a thing. Fortunately on the basis of hyperdrive technology of the Galactic Empire, we upgraded it so we can jump into a parallel space for temporary shelter, but it is only a matter of time that the Empire will eventually find us. You will succeed to the throne of the empire, do understand all people of the Empire look forward to your great and inspiring dominion. You shall continue the research of science, develop technology and military forces, and maintain the peaceful life of our people. Then you will fight and rule this parallel space and get prepared for the fight against the Galactic Empire.

With all my blessings,
Former Emperor, Von Kamuer II
Emperor Calendar Year 48
What's new in Version 1.0.1
1, Decrease Fusion Reactor's diplogen cost.
2, modify some UI details.

LANGUAGES: English, Chinese

REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.


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